pursuit of happiness


How easy it sounds. yet the whole world is after the exact definition of happiness. can we define happiness the way  Newton’s law or theory of relativity is defined? OK, now you satisfy this and this conditions so you are happy or  in your case these  and these conditions are not satisfied so you are 50% happy 😉 how absurd is it?

   This reminds me a question asked by a trainer in one of those upgrading sessions. Even  the most learned ones were also dumbfounded when he asked ” what is happiness? “. He continued to ask “Are you a happy person?”.  This time some hands did raise slowly but not confidently. But when he asked “Are you happy now?” most of the hands came up at once. What can we infer from this? Do we limit our happiness to situations and conditions? Or worse still do we relate our happiness to people around us? why is it so difficult say yes I am happy.

 Each one has  their own perception in this pursuit of happiness but still the search is on. I feel it should remain as an unsolved mystery. That’s what keeps our life going, isn’t it?

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